Examples of Music Therapy Goals
Music therapists work with people of all ages to address limitations in
non-musical areas. Below are some examples of music therapy goals listed by
skill areas.
Communication Skills
- to improve expressive language (i.e., ability to communicate
- to improve receptive language (i.e., ability to understand)
- to improve speech and verbal communication
- to promote effective use of non-verbal communication
Academic/Behavior Skills
- to encourage ability to imitate
- to improve ability to comprehend written language
- to improve ability to count and associate numbers with concepts
- to improve ability to discriminate colors
- to promote reality orientation
- to improve memory skills
- to increase on-task behavior
- to improve ability to follow directions
- to increase participation
- to decrease interfering behaviors
- to promote ability to complete activities of daily living
Motor Skills
- to maintain/improve fine motor functioning
- to maintain/improve gross motor functioning
- to promote identification of body parts
- to improve reach/grasp/release skills
- to maintain/improve range of motion
- to improve eye/hand coordination
- to improve auditory and visual perception
Emotional Skills
- to increase verbal/non-verbal expression of feelings
- to improve self-esteem
- to improve impulse control
- to increase attention span
- to develop coping skills
- to decrease stress and anxiety
- to facilitate the grieving process
- to teach relaxation techniques
- to facilitate exploration of spiritual concerns
Social Skills
- to improve social interaction with others
- to improve appropriate eye contact
- to increase ability to touch others appropriately
- to increase willingness to be touched by others
- to increase ability to share materials and equipment with others
- to improve ability to accept constructive criticism from others
- to improve ability to make choices and initiate responses
- to improve ability to accept praise and give praise to others
- to decrease isolation
- to improve ability to participate in appropriate play activities
- to improve interpersonal skills
- to build relationships
Leisure Skills
- to develop skills to participate in appropriate leisure time activities
- to develop knowledge of available leisure time activities
Other Skills
- to decrease pain
- to teach pain management skills
- to promote independence
- to facilitate reminiscence and life review
- to develop creativity and sense of identity