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Farlow Music Therapy Services

Fort Wayne, Indiana


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Music Therapist Qualifications

A qualified music therapist will have current credentials, indicated by the letters "MT-BC" (Music Therapist-Board Certified). These credentials indicate that the therapist has...

  • Graduated with a bachelor's degree (or equivalent education) from a university program approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA)
  • Completed 1,040 hours of an approved music therapy internship
  • Passed the national competency exam given by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) (Board certification is renewed every five years through retaking the national exam, or by accumulating 100 continuing education credits approved by the CBMT)

When rendering music therapy services, a qualified music therapist will...

  • Review all pertinent client information, interview appropriate persons involved with the client's current care, and plan and conduct a music therapy assessment session(s)
  • Provide a written, individualized assessment for each client or group of clients
  • Furnish recommendations for or against music therapy treatment based on the assessment
  • Provide written, time-specific goals and objectives for each client or group of clients
  • Provide a written treatment plan stating specific music therapy strategies and techniques that will be used to address the stated goals and objectives
  • Plan and lead regular music therapy sessions using strategies and techniques chosen on the basis of the assessment and goals
  • Provide regular re-evaluation of the effectiveness of the music interventions being used
  • Provide written progress notes on a regular basis documenting each client's progress toward stated goals and objectives
  • Dismiss the client from music therapy when the services are no longer necessary or appropriate

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© 2020 Farlow Music Therapy Services, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA