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Fort Wayne, Indiana


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Additional recommendations for future research

All research reviewed for this paper studied subjects who were scheduled for elective surgery. It would be interesting to determine how effective music interventions would be in reducing anxiety for patients undergoing nonelective, emergent surgery. While much of the research concluded that giving patients’ a choice of music was important in helping to reduce their levels of anxiety, none of the research reviewed directly tested for this. Research could be conducted that specifically tests the effects of preselected sedative music versus patients’ choice of music in reducing physiological and psychological responses to anxiety in the preoperative setting. Also, several studies reviewed for this paper concluded that knowledge of a person’s musical background and preference was important in selecting music but did not directly test for how musical training might vary the results. It would be interesting to develop research that attempts to determine if a person’s musical background and training have any effect on the ability of music to reduce anxiety.

Next page: References

Previous page: Interventions using music relaxation techniques assisted by a music therapist

Contents: The effect of music interventions in the surgical setting on patients' level of anxiety

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This page was last updated December 30, 2004
© 2004 Farlow Music Therapy Services, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA